Cycle “C”: Luke 14,
25 – 33
Wherever Jesus went, great crowds
accompanied him. This usually made him suspicious. They were the people who
wanted to see the miracle-worker; maybe see a miracle, if they were lucky. They
had even heard that one time he couldn’t do any miracles. For any member of the
crowd, being in the crowd was a great experience. You could listen to him
arguing with the scribes and those awful Pharisees. They thought they were
brilliant but Jesus could always leave them looking like fools. Even if he did
no miracle, there could be great sport when someone took him on in an argument.
But Jesus knew them so well, these crowds
who followed him on his journeys through the towns and villages. There was
never a shortage of lookers-on. He knew what they wanted - the
entertainment, the freebees, the handouts. The miracle of the leaves and fishes
had made him hugely popular. Jesus needed to explain, to make them understand,
these people of his, that he had to have WITNESSES, not lookers-on; he needed
disciples rather than mere followers. And that there was a price. He would pay it for them, the bulk of the
cost. Each one of them would have to be prepared to give whatever was asked of
them. His cross would be the greatest part; the disciple’s cross would be the
balance. There was a price to be paid, certainly; but there was a huge subsidy.
Getting through a crowd like this was never
easy. Most of them weren’t even listening. With followers like these, who
needed enemies ? If things went against
him, they wouldn’t be long changing their tune ! That reminded Jesus to tell them the story
about the fellow who had begun to build a tower and ran out of money to finish
it. He had plenty onlookers, and as soon as his luck ran out they jeered and
made fun of him.
My dear friends, onlookers, crowds,
uncommitted followers - followers on foot and not with the heart;
such people are no good to any cause. To succeed, any cause needs commitment.
It needs those who are prepared to pay the price, to make the necessary
sacrifices, to take up their cross and follow with the heart as true disciples.
And sometimes it can hurt. Crosses can be very heavy for many people. To be a
disciple of Jesus Christ, a Christian in the true sense of the word, means
becoming involved, feeling that it makes a difference in your life. But the
onlookers, those on the outside with their cheap curiosity will always have
plenty to get from their following - they will be entertained - the
feel-good factor is there in abundance in all forms of Christian worship. But
the disciple gains so much more. Putting our commitment to Christ first in our
lives means often means paying a price that seems to too high, because the
disciple looks beyond consolation. For him or her, peace of mind is not the
It must have been a hard message to put
across to a high-spirited crowd who were not used to this sort of thing.
Imagine them on the way home, more reflective now as those strange words went
round in their heads: “Hating your father and mother, wife, children, and your
own life, too...” And yet, somehow they knew he was not talking about
hate at all. He was talking about the greatest love. “None of you can be my
disciples....” Would anyone want to be a disciple under those terms ? Perhaps
they had an uneasy feeling that, yes, I would like to be a disciple, to get to
know him better, to trust him even when his words are so difficult to
understand. Was he offering a kind of slavery
- like a sinister sect that keeps
people away from their families ? Or was he offering something that could make
us really free ? With the freedom that
comes from trusting him, rather than clinging to what we know ?
We shall never know the answer without
making the commitment, being prepared to pay whatever price he asks.
PRAYER by Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) + 63
O my God, stand by me against all the
world’s wisdom and reason. Not mine, but yours in the cause. I would prefer to
have peaceful days, and to be out of this turmoil. But yours, O Lord, is this
cause; it is righteous and eternal. Stand by me, O God, in the name of your
dear Son, Jesus Christ, who shall be my Defence and Shelter, my Mighty
Fortress, through the might and strength of your Holy Spirit. God help me.
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