Monday, April 27, 2015


From my Spiritual Diary

                        The Transfiguration of Jesus

How infinitely splendid you look,
my glorious Lord Jesus Christ !
I am ecstatic in my wonderment.
Powerful, glorious, transcendent, ineffable.
And it is your nature as God the Son:
God as he beholds himself, knows himself
in one eternally present act of self-possession.

But God-as-he-knows-himself is going to pass,
go across (‘trans’) from one self-knowledge to another –
an emptying, shattering, utterly crushing self-knowledge.

Here I break down and weep,
and I raise my heart to you, my dearest Lord,
for the way you emptied yourself so that
you can meet me
in my brokenness and misery.

Fr. Mervyn C.

6th. August 2008

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