Wednesday, April 1, 2015


            God does the right things, but too often he does them with the wrong people, by conventional standards. Take, for instance, today’s Resurrection announcement. First of all, the witnesses are not men but women: the two Marys. It is quite striking that  the proclamation is made to women. The culture of the time did not accept women’s status as witnesses in any court of law, much less for an extraordinary event like the Resurrection. Being the first to see the risen Christ was a unique privilege; but to be given the task of announcing the joyful news to the men; no, that’s going too far ! Only goes to show you how true the Gospel is. For convenience and greater credibility the Gospel writers could have manipulated the story to make the men look like the first witnesses. That would have carried weight in the culture of the time. But they submitted to the truth and said it like it happened, even if it meant feeding humble pie to the men folk.
            Women were kept down. The announcement of liberation is made to an oppressed section of society. All the more striking because the empty tomb presents only circumstantial evidence that can only begin to lead to faith. In Matthew’s Gospel, the resurrection story challenges us to believe in the miraculous; that God can and does bring about what he has promised. A miracle that actually happened at a particular time and place. Miraculous and historical went together.
            The women worshipped Jesus when they encountered him, not just because he was alive, risen from the dead, but because the Resurrection put the stamp of approval on all his life and work. In Jesus we see the evidence of God’s total,unsolicited, self-giving love. Our response in faith is that of the two women: joy, awe, worship and eagerness to tell the others.
INVOCATION  (Janet Morley)
May the God who shakes heaven and earth,
whom death could not contain,
who lives to disturb and heal us,
bless you with power to go forth

and proclaim the Gospel.

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