Saturday, July 15, 2017


Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Cycle “A”
No one can prevent God from sending down His Word to the earth, like gentle rain. What we do with it is quite another matter. Isaiah tells us in today's first reading that the Word will not return to the heavens until it has borne fruit. In other words, God's Will must come to fulfillment, no matter how long it takes for our hearts to soften, and our minds to expand and grow in the knowledge and wisdom of God.

In the Gospel, Jesus compares the Word of God to seed that a farmer sows in the spring. Some years ago, I was driving to a meeting on a windy day in early May. From my car window, I saw a farmer spreading seed in his field. The wind caught much of it, and swirled it high in the air. The farmer had no idea how much would land in his carefully ploughed plot.

Like the seed in today's parable, some would produce a rich crop, but much of it would be wasted. In this parable, Jesus compares Himself to a farmer, and the soil to the hearts of His listeners. Some are flighty enthusiasts who go crazy with joy at hearing the Good News, but who haven't a clue of what to do with it. Their enthusiasm burns up with nothing to show for it.

And what about those whose minds and hearts get all choked up with the internet or morally unhealthy television shows and movies? Many teenagers and adults spend too much time in "virtual reality" and not enough time in real life prayer, or growing time with their spouses and children. They're too busy for generous serving time for their Church and community.

Then there's the big question we have to ask as we hear today's Word. "Where do I fit into this parable?" Will I have a "U-Haul" truck full of good deeds to bring to my judgment day? Or am I a waster of God's seed? How many friends will testify on my behalf? Will I have a redeemed heart, a heart full of love for God and people--all my fruitfulness from hearing the Word of God?

It just takes a little more focus, a bit more determination to till the soil of my soul-making quiet space for reflection, and time for those who need me. After all, how many millions of people throughout history would have made so much better use of the seed if it had fallen in their territory? In God's mysterious providence, that seed did fall in my back yard. That Word did fall on my ears, and, (to change the metaphor), Christ has knocked on the door of my heart thousands and thousands of times. Was I home to Him? Lord, please help me to do better.


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