Thursday, March 26, 2015



The sun has set.
Our Son has walked into the night,
And that night was dark, indeed,
Made the more opaque
By one man’s treachery
That manoeuvred our sinfulness unto his death.
Our Son has walked into the night,
Laid himself down,
And now is still in death.
Sleep on, Saviour sweet!
Brave Warrior of our freedom’s battle;
Hero of our redemption’s drama.
Sleep on, dear Son and Brother.
Yesterday and today you laboured;
A splendid work, indeed,
But the weight thereof
Has laid you low
In a stone sepulchre.
Yet take your rest,
Tonight and another.
Yahweh once rested
At the close of the original creation;
Why not you
On the threshold of the new?
So sleep, sweet Prince,
And take your rest.
Tomorrow and a day will bring the dawn.
And with the dawn new life.
Then you will be King!
For our Son will rise again!

 - Fr. Mervyn Carapiet

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