Monday, March 23, 2015

PALM SUNDAY: What lies ahead

As they near Jerusalem, Jesus gives his disciples clear instructions: Go, find, untie, bring to me…

All this so the last part of the journey to Jerusalem can begin to come to its tragic and triumphant end.
In our own Lenten journey, perhaps we are starting to get the sense that we are near our destination.
But do we really know what lies ahead? Generally, we’d say “no”; the future is a mystery yet to unfold. In this case we do know. We know the end of this story. We know that this victory is already won in Jesus’ salvific act of dying and rising. Jesus has triumphed over death.
Each Holy Week, as I hear the stories of the obedient confusion from the disciples (why do you need an ass and a colt?!), the inevitable betrayal by a friend and the horrific death of “Jesus the prophet, from Nazareth in Galilee.” I am consoled because I know that victory is the “end” of our human story. Resurrection will come on the third day.
Yet we live each day in the reality that this victory has not yet been fully realized. We live with agony, disappointment, despair and even death. We are called to not only believe in this victory with our mind, but to live and act out of our belief.
God, who exceeds all expectations, be our hope as we enter more deeply into the Easter mysteries. Sustain our resolve, and grow our desire to live life in expectation of your victory that continues to come.

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