Monday, November 26, 2012


hymns to mother mary

Be with us Mary along the Way

No man can live as island;
Journey through life alone;
Since we’re most loved by a mother
Jesus gave us his own
Ref: Be with us Mary along the Way
Guide every step we take
Lead us to Jesus your loving son;
Come with us Mary, come
When Jesus met with rejection, Mary stood by the Cross;
How can a mother desert her Son ? She’ll also stand by us
Help us, O star of the Ocean, be with us in our strife,
When we are faced with temptation, tossed by the storms of life.

Daily Daily Sing to Mary

Daily Daily Sing to Mary
Sing my soul her praises due
All her Feasts, her action worship
With the heart’s devotion true
Lost in wondering contemplation
Be her majesty confessed
Call her Mother, call her Virgin
Happy Mother, Virgin blest.
She is mighty to deliver
Call her, trust her lovingly
When the tempest rages round thee
She will clam the troubled sea
Gifts of heaven she has given
Noble lady to our race
She, the Queen who decks her subjects
With the light of God’s own grace

Hail Queen of Heaven

Hail Queen of Heaven, the ocean star
Guide of the wanderers here below
Thrown on life’s surge, we claim thy care
Save us from peril and from woe,
Mother of Christ, Star of the Sea
Pray for the Wanderers, Pray for me…2
O Gentle, Chaste and Spotless Maid
We sinners make our prayers through thee
Remind thy Son that he has paid
The price of our iniquity
Virgin most pure, star of the sea
Pray for the sinner, pray for me.

Holy Virgin

Holy Virgin, by God’s decree, you were called eternally,
That He could give his son to our race,
Mary, we praise you, hail, full of grace !
Ch: Ave, Ave, Ave Maria ! (2)
By your Faith and loving accord as the handmaid of the Lord,
You undertook God’s plan to embrace,
Mary, we thank you, hail , full of grace !

Let us Mingle together

Ch: Let us Mingle together
Voices joyful and gay
Singing Hymns to our Mother
T’is her own month of May
Bring the choicest of flowers
Search the woodland and grove
Wreath a crown for our Lady
As a pledge of our Love
What are fast fading roses
All the lilies that grow
Nothing worth of Mary
Has this world to bestow
Mary ask for her treasure,
One that each can impart,
Hear and grant her petition,
“Sinners, give me thy heart.”

Maiden Mother

Maiden Mother, meek and mild
Take, Oh take me for thy child.
All my life, Oh, let it be
My best joy to think of thee
Ch: When my eyes are closed in sleep
Through the night my slumbers keep
Make my latest thoughts to be
How to love thy Son and Thee.
Teach me when the sunbeam bright
Calls me with its golden light
How my waking thoughts may be
Turned to Jesus and to Thee

Mother Dear

Mother Dear, Oh Pray for me
Whilst far from heaven and thee,
I wander in a fragile bark
O’er life’s tempestuous sea.
O Virgin Mother, from thy throne,
So Bright in Bliss above,
Protect thy child and Cheer my path
With thy sweet smile of love
Ch: Mother Dear, Oh Pray for me
And never cease thy care,
Till in heaven eternally,
Thy love and Bliss I share.

Mother Dearest

Mother Dearest, Mother fairest
Help of all who call on thee
Virgin Pure, Brightest, rarest,
Help us, help, we cry to thee
Ch: Mary help us, Help we pray (2)
Help us in, all care and sorrow
Mary help us, Help we pray
Mary, Help in pain and Sorrow
Soothe those rack’d on bed of pain
May the golden light of morrow
Bring them health and joy again
Help our priest, our sisters lowly,
Help our Pope, long may he reign,
Pray that we who sing their praises
May in Heaven all meet again.
Mary help the absent loved ones
How we miss their presence here
May the hand of thy protection
Guard & Guide them far and near.

Mother of God

Ch: Mother of God, plead with your Son,
Pray for us sinners, Mary most pure.
May God pour cleansing streams over us,
Washing our souls form every stain.
May he remove our stony hearts,
Give us a heart of flesh in its stead.
May he incline our minds to his voice,
That we may bend our hearts to his will.
May he renew the strength of the weak
And be the hope of wavering wills.
That he may wipe away every tear
And makes his light to shine on our face

O Come to the throne of Grace

O Come to the throne of Grace,
O Come to the heart most pure
To Mary, our hope of life,
In whom salvation is sure
Ch: O Lady of Fatima hail
Immaculate Mother of Grace
O pray for us help us today
Thou hope of the human race.
Immaculate Heart, we kneel
To consecrate all to thee
The present, its pain and joy
The future all it may be
The rosary white and gold
We take from the virgin hand
A pledge of the power of God
To heal & strengthen our Land.

The Bells of the Angelus

The Bells of the Angelus, Calleth to pray
In sweet tones announcing
The sacred Ave,
Ch: Ave, Ave, Ave Maria (2)
O Bless us dear Lady
With Blessing from heaven,
And to our petitions,
Let answers be given
In grief and temptation
In joy and in pain,
We’ll seek thee, our Mother
Nor Seek thee in Vain

Thee Virgin Mother Dearest

Ch: The Virgin Mother Dearest
We greet with gladsome lay
And haste with flowers fairest
To crown thee Queen of May
The Lilly of the Valley
So sweet and snowy fair
Her smiles the fitting emblem
Of thy conception rare
The humble violet
Which lurks in secret dwell
Is on thine altar set
Thy loneliness to tell


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