Sunday, November 25, 2012


Sun of Justice, descend into
the darkness of the Virgin's
 womb  -
symbol of the world's
unlit hunger for the Light.
Let the Spirit strike sweet
impulse, and chaste,
to fill with power
the chamber of the night;
and make the nuptials of the
 with the Maid of Nazareth
bear fruit,
whom all men call,
by the angel's word:

Loving God,

calling your friends in new and unexpected ways,

choosing Mary from the powerless and unnoticed in the world,

yet greatly loved and cherished in your sight,

that she should be the mother of our Saviour,

to fill us with your grace

that we too may accept the promptings of your Spirit,

and welcome your angel with glad and open heart,

ready to be pierced with pain and filled with joy,

rejoicing in the cost of your salvation,

in and through the same Jesus our Messiah.

(Jim Cotter)

Father of love,

through your most Holy Spirit,

Mary the Jewish girl conceived your Son;

may his beauty, his humanity,

his all-transforming grace be born in us,

and may we never despise the strange and stirring gentleness

of your almighty power.

(A New Zealand Prayer Book)

God, we thank you

that you made yourself known

to someone without power, wealth or status,;

and we praise you

for the courage of Mary,

this young woman from Galilee,

whose ‘Yes’ to the shame and shock

of bearing your Son

let loose the unstoppable power of love

which changed the world.


We praise you, our Father,

for the marvellous news announced to Mary,

for the grace of life that prepared her for her call;

for her obedience to your will

and her humility in accepting it;

for her loving care and patience in fulfilling it.

Give us such grace and obedience

that we may be accounted worthy

to bear the good news to our world,

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

(Basil Naylor)

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