Catholics are often accused of
arguing in a “vicious circle,” proving the Bible by the Church, and the Church
by the Bible. We must be careful to avoid this by explaining that we put the
Church before the Bible because the Church existed first and wrote and compiled
the Bible. The authority of the Bible depends on that
of the Church. Then we use the Bible to prove the Church; we use it
not as an inspired volume, but merely as a historical document. From the
Gospels as historical documents we learn that Christ founded a Church, but the
authority of the Gospels as inspired writings rests
on the word of the Church.
can define the Bible as “a collection of writings, which the Church of God has
solemnly recognized as inspired” (Catholic Encyclopedia).
What is the non-Catholic’s definition? Paul says, indeed: “All Scripture,
inspired of God, is profitable to teach, to reprove, to correct, to instruct in
justice, that the man of God may be perfect, furnished to every good work” (2
Tim. 3:16, 17). But he gives no list of Scriptures nor any method for
discerning which they are.
The Scriptures themselves assert that they are
incomplete and send us to the Church. “Many other signs also did Jesus . . .
which are not written.” (John 20:30). “Thinkest thou that thou understandest
what thou readest ?” . . . . “How can I, unless some man show me” (Acts 8:30,
It is impossible to get unanimity of impression in different ages and
countries. Books appeal to one date and country, not to another: The Epistle of
Clement, the Shepherd of Hermas, and several gospels at first thought inspired
were rejected by the Church. On the other hand, the Books of Kings, Chronicles,
and Ecclesiastes are disputed by modern critics as not containing ” heavenly
matter,” yet are accepted by the Church as part of the organic whole—for the
Bible is an organic whole, and many parts lose their meaning if severed. Each
age and nation and temperament, by their interpretation, would (and in
Protestantism do) practically make a different Bible, when, leaving ancient
authority, they test each part by their subjective feelings.
internal evidence could prove inspiration, because inspiration is essentially a
supernatural fact. It is objective, not subjective. It is simply that God said
this thing in this way. It may not appeal to me personally—parts of it may not
be meant especially for me—but God wished to say it for some person or time.
Therefore the inspiration can only be known upon some authority sent from God.
The only possible competent authority would be either Christ or his apostles or
the successors of the apostles—that is to say, Christ’s Church. All Christians
appeal in fact to some authority behind the Bible (e.g., Luther claimed to
alter the canon of Scripture, and Lutherans accepted this on his authority).
Christ nowhere told men to go to a book to learn his doctrine. He himself wrote
nothing down. But he did say to Peter: “Thou
art Peter and upon this rock I will build my Church” (Matt. 16:18); and to
Peter and the rest of the apostles: “Go ye teaching therefore all nations”
(Matt. 28:19). “He that hears you, hears me, he that despises you, despises me,
he that despises me despises him that sent me” (Luke 10:16). The apostles went
forth and taught according to Christ’s command. They ordained others to succeed
them. Much of his teaching they handed down in their tradition only—that
divinely protected living memory of the Church. Much they committed to writing
and collected together by degrees.
collections of sacred writings, varying in extent, existed in the various local
Churches of Christendom, the canon or official list of Scripture was only
compiled by the Church toward the end of the fourth century—at Hippo in 393,
Carthage in 397, whence it was sent to Rome for confirmation in 419. The Bible
may be called the notebook of the Church, and she has always claimed to be the
guardian, exponent, and interpreter of it. . . .
then, so today, private judgment leads to wild chaos in interpretation. But
further, the rejection of the Bible has come directly
from the claim of heretics to make it the sole rule of faith. The Bible is
often obscure—a daily rule of faith and action must be clear —hence arose
impatience of delays and obscurities.
schools came from Protestantism: Believers in an almost wooden theory of verbal
inspiration making no allowance for the human instrument (e.g., various
translations, slight discrepancies in different accounts of the same scene,
texts from the Old Testament quoted
with slight verbal inaccuracies in the New Testament);
believers in absolutely unchecked freedom of criticism, neglecting the divine
Church insists on both the divine and human: “In interpreting the Bible
scientifically, its twofold character must always be kept in view: It is a
divine book, in so far as it has God for its author, it is a human book, in so
far as it is written by men for men. In its human character the Bible is
subject to the same rules of interpretation as profane books but in its Divine
character it is given into the custody of the Church to be kept and explained,
so that it needs special rules of hermeneutics” (Catholic Encyclopedia 5:696).
Church maintains absolutely the inspiration of Scripture. The [First] Vatican
Council thus defines it: “These books are held by the Church as sacred and
canonical, not as having been composed by merely human labour, and afterwards approved
by her authority, nor merely because they contain revelation without error, but
because written under the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, they have God for
their author and have been transmitted to the Church as such.”
maintains also the sovereignty of truth in every sphere: “All truth is
orthodox.” Truths cannot be contradictory. But time and patience are sometimes
needed to bring home their full bearing and mutual harmony. We must remember
that the Church is often asked to accept as truth theories which are
only imperfectly worked out or are full of errors. She rightly insists on
waiting until the chaff and wheat have been sifted. She will not accept
hypotheses as proved facts.
a Christian face to face with a Bible passage the question “Is it true?” does
not arise; God wrote it, and he cannot lie. The question in every instance is
only, “What does it mean, what did the biblical author, inspired by, God, wish
to convey and teach?” Now to ascertain this the guidance of the Church is
essential, and time and patience are often needed.
XIII’s encyclical on Scripture (Providentissimus Deus) tells
us that it is not the aim of the inspired writers to teach us science or
history: “[The Holy Ghost] who spoke by them did not intend to teach men these
things, things in no way profitable to salvation. Hence they described and
dealt with things in more or less figurative language or in terms which were
commonly used at the time and which, in many instances, are in daily use to
this day even by the most eminent men of science. Ordinary speech primarily and
properly describes what comes under the senses; and somewhat in the same way
the sacred writers (as the Angelic Doctor reminds us) ‘went by what visibly
appeared’ or put down what God, speaking to men, signified in a way men could
understand and were accustomed to.”
is the office of the Church’s theologians and Scripture students to ascertain
how far statements in the Bible apparently scientific are bound up with those
sacred truths which the writer is inspired to deliver, and in that sense they
are to be understood. Until any question arises we accept these statements in
their simple meaning. When a question arises we await the Church’s interpretation.
Thus the troubles about the Copernican system struck a severe blow to
Protestant dependence on the Bible, but have not affected Catholic belief.
Galileo’s condemnation was a mere incident, which had no permanent result on
Catholic belief in inspiration, because Catholics had the Church behind
the Bible and knew that, whether quickly or slowly, she would
give them an interpretation and explanation.
while outside the Church excessive dependence on the unsupported letter of
Scripture has led to such a reaction that people are giving up the Bible
altogether, the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, keeps for her children the
treasure she originally gave them.
are her children even allowed access to this treasure? Are Catholics allowed to
read the Bible? Let’s look.
literature is saturated with Bible quotations. Much that is left to us consists
either of books of the Bible or breviaries which are almost wholly made up of
Scripture. The sermon literature of the Middle Ages was a mosaic of Scripture
texts. Preachers used the Bible much more than is customary today in any
pulpit. Half an hour’s perusal of the sermons of a Bernard or a Bonaventure
shows us that the preachers almost thought in Scripture texts. For those who
could not read, the Church provided a knowledge of the Bible by means of
mystery plays, illustrated editions of parts or the whole of it in paintings,
sculptures, and stained glass windows: The statuary of one great cathedral is
known as the “Bible of Amiens.” Of the Bible in pictures, the Synod of Arras
(1025) said: “The illiterate contemplated in the lineaments of painting what
they, having never learnt to read, could not discern in writing.” To the man of
the Middle Ages the Bible was a living reality.
priests are obliged to read Scripture in their Office, or daily prayers, for
about an hour and a half every day. The laity are more than encouraged, they
are urged to
read the Bible. By Pius VI (1778), by Pius VII (1820), they were earnestly
exhorted to read it, by Leo XIII a special blessing was given to all who would
read the Gospels for at least a quarter of an hour daily. Benedict XV (himself
the founder of the Society of St. Jerome for distributing the Gospels in
Italian, which sells great numbers every year) sent, by the Cardinal Secretary
of State, the following message to the Catholic Truth Society: “It was with no
little gladness of heart that the Holy Father learned of the work of the
Society and of its diligence in spreading far and wide copies of the Holy
Gospels, as well as of the other books of the Holy Scriptures, and in
multiplying them so as to reach all men of good will. Most lovingly therefore His
Holiness blesses all who have put their hand to this very excellent work; and
he earnestly exhorts them to persevere with ardour in so holy an enterprise.” .
. .
has caused the general impression that the Church does not wish her children to
read the Bible?
claim to guide and teach them in the reading and interpretation of
it: Danger is incurred in many ways by putting the Bible, without guidance,
into the hands of children or the unlearned. (No one would maintain that the
Old Testament in
its entirety is suitable for the young even to read; again,
some explanation is absolutely necessary for many parts of both Old and New
refusal to allow her children to use false and incomplete translations. At one
time Bible translations were falsified in the interest of certain heresies. William Tyndale, for example, always
substituted the word “congregation” for ” Church” and “ordinance” for
“tradition” because of the Catholic connotation attached to these words. He
also translated “Little children, keep yourselves from images”;
instead of using the more accurate rendering ” idols.”; Again the authorized
Anglican version translated 1 Corinthians 11:27 as ” and drink this cup,” so
that the Catholic custom of Communion under one kind should seem to be
condemned by it. The Revised Version has corrected this, and the text now stands” or drink
this cup.”
harm done by bad translations and by want of an interpreter may be specially
seen if we examine the efforts of various Bible societies and non-Catholic
missionaries in the last century. In China, India, and elsewhere, they either
altered the Catholic versions or wrote new ones in various dialects before they
had acquired real knowledge of the language into which they were translating;
these they scattered broadcast, without explanation. Educated natives declared
that in many cases the translations were so bad as to make absolute nonsense
and in other cases were even blasphemous. They derived from them nothing but
contempt for Christianity. Moreover, the way in which these sacred books were
distributed shocked all, especially the Muslims, who declared nothing would
induce them to give the Koran to anyone unless they were certain it would be
treated respectfully. These Bibles were often used as wrappings for drugs and
other merchandise, wallpapers, or covers for cartridges (See Marshall’s Christian
Missions, vol. 1. chap. 1).
may, perhaps, be allowed that at some periods and in some countries this
caution of the Church has been carried to excess, but in the long run the
realization of the existence of difficulties and of the need of an interpreter
has preserved the
Bible for Catholics when others are losing it.
we ask, how should Catholics read the Bible? Ordinary Catholics should be
guided by the Church in reading it. Let us begin with the missal. Then, for
those who have time, the breviary shows us the Church’s mind from the beautiful
way in which the Scriptures, the lives of the saints, and the thoughts of the
great Doctors and Fathers are brought together in a living unity. By following
the seasons year by year in missal and breviary, we are using one of our most
precious Catholic privileges. The meaning of the great feasts becomes more
actual to us and illustrates the Bible for us.
can, of course, read the Bible as literature, as a series of documents of
surpassing human interest.
chief profit, not for ourselves only, but also in our work for others, will lie
in reading it devotionally.
must, of course, undertake the work of the revision of texts, higher criticism,
etc., but this is the office of experts.
we are to understand a book, we want to know the aim for which it was written;
if to understand a man, we ask what is the leading thought and aim of his life.
In trying to grasp a system of thought we look for that which is central and
around which all else is grouped.
is the centre of
the Bible? The Son of God made Man for us. It is only in the light of that
central Figure that we can understand the Old Testament, as well as the New.
All the great personalities of the Old Testament are vivid to us chiefly as
types of him. He speaks through the words of prophet and of patriarch. His
voice is heard in the psalms of David. The whole of the Old Testament is a
looking forward to and a preparation for Christ’s coming. The New Testament
looks back and tells the history of that coming and of the fulfilment of
Christ’s mission in his Church, and then looks forward once more to that
glorious second coming, when all things shall be made visibly subject to him,
and God shall be all in all.
across the mountains and the plains of Israel, dimly visible at times, at times
clearly seen, goes that Way which is also the Truth and the Life. And in one
simple sentence Christ tells us his divine secret: “Before Abraham was made, I
am.” It is this that gives the Bible its amazing unity; it is in his light that
we see light, and the Bible becomes alive to us read in that light which is the
life of men.
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