Friday, February 21, 2020


                            ELLA THERESA CARAPIET
                                      Anniversary Mass
                                        5th. April 1993
Penitential Rite: It’s been a year, less a day, since our dear mother, Ella Theresa, left us for her Heavenly Home. We shall always remember how beautifully she died, with the holy Name of Jesus on her lips and the Body of the Lord in her heart, the Church providing all that the law requires for the benefit of a departing Christian.
Better than any spiritual exhortation about modelling our dying on that of Jesus’ on the Cross was our own mother’s death.
We have come together, family and friends, to tank our Heavenly Father for the gift of the life, love and death of Ella Theresa Carapiet. As we pray for her deepening joy in the wonderment of the Holy Trinity, we also beg the merciful Lord to cleanse and purify us for that final hour when we hope to enter into the Death-Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ.

THE HOMILY: Like most parents, our mother, Ella Theresa, saw her children grow up, leave the ancestral home and make their own lives. She saw us leave one by one, until only Mary was left, and even though we visited her regularly, she knew that life would not be the same again.
Her return from hospital, many years ago was marked by an acute debility of her legs that would keep her home-bound foe the rest of her earthly life. Yet home-bound was heaven-bound. The little house in Bow Bazar she loved so much was her last station for heaven that she will love forever.
For the time being she waited, waited in a solitude not unwelcome and, in turn, made fruitful by her faith which bore the message that all would be well.
What must not have gone through her mind: memories of sorrow, images of delight, childhood and marriage, the meetings with people, the quiet chats with friends, the splendid liturgies in her church, and, the best of all, the deep communings with her Eternal Father in heaven. Heaven came down to a little room lived in by a tiny woman!
To what went on between them only faith can testify, even though the details will remain a secret. The cleansing of divine love, the healing of memories, the perception that this world is but a passing show, and the ultimate truth that she had always known, that, at the end, only God matters. And through it all she must surely have heard one golden note of angelic music to which no human voice or instrument can compare itself: that it was getting time to leave, for the Father was calling his daughter back to where she belonged, with Him forever. And the manner of her death, still so fresh in our minds, bore the stamp of a simple and placid response to His summons.
Nothing is lost, since God is faithful and will not expose our lives to futility. All the accumulated excellence of our human endeavours, the heavy crosses that we bore, the battles that we fought, the losses sustained, the victories secured, have all been taken up into God to be illuminated in His glory. For the human, to be truly human, must consent to enter the divine, otherwise is not human.
I said that Ella Theresa saw her children leave their ancestral home and make their own lives. But Christian hope assures us that she will see them return and take their places with her in the Father’s house, this time forever.
And if she has a prayer, it must surely be that high priestly prayer of Jesus himself before His passion and death, recorded by St. John, the Evangelist:
“Heavenly Father, I pray that where I am they also may be.”

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