Wednesday, January 10, 2018


SIMEON 29 December Lk. 2,22 – 35
Simeon was a prophet, devout and righteous, docile and sensitive to the Spirit’s leading and prompting. He knew immediately that the Child of Mary was the Messiah, the consolation of Israel. As a prophet, his heart was attuned to the work of God in his generation. As God’s plan unfolded, his heart leapt for joy and adoration at the glory of God’s wisdom and revelation. Simeon is a wonderful model for us as one who was truly governed by God’s Holy Spirit. We, like him, are called to live so as to respond to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Simeon was able to be an instrument of prophecy because he was not dominated by his own thoughts and ideas about the Messiah. The humility and obscurity of Jesus’ coming did not offend him, and he embraced God’s revelation with a glad and willing heart. Every prophet desires to know what God is saying to his or her generation, and is eager to usher in the Kingdom of heaven.

We can almost taste the sense of wonder, marvel and astonishment that Joseph and Mary experienced. The joy at Simeon’s revelation must have sustained them as they grappled to understand the meaning of Simeon’s prophecy. The knowledge that their Son would be a sign of contradiction, one who would cause the rise and the falling of many and reveal the hearts of people, could not have been an easy message to bear.

The suggestion that Joseph and Mary simply absorbed these things without the understandable anguish that would accompany such an announcement is unrealistic. We don’t know the impact that Simeon’s word had on Mary. No mother likes to hear that her child will suffer, and Mary must have wrestled with what it would mean that her own grief would be like a sword piercing her heart. The drama of our salvation is lived out on the backcloth of a profound humanity, embracing both the wonder of hope and the dark clouds of fear and dread. The Holy Spirit wants to bring us deeper and further into the mystery of Jesus’ birth. We can be confident that as we humbly approach the throne of grace for wisdom and light, the sword of the Spirit will pierce our own hearts.


Most Holy Spirit, create in me the heart of a prophet. Grant me a spirit of humility and service and make me sensitive and docile to your guidance and leading. Make me like your servant, Simeon, prepare and long or your coming. Amen.

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