Thursday, November 23, 2017


If we take Christ’s kingship seriously, we cannot delude ourselves into understanding it in terms of worldly status. Jesus said, if any of us want to be first, we have to be least, and the servant of all. I admire the lifetime of privileged service our queen has rendered and her obvious and sincere Christian faith, but Christ does not anoint any social or ecclesiastical system of privilege and wealth that is extravagant or disordered in its social relationships.
The most moving moment when Jesus speaks of his kingship is from the Cross, when the good thief simply asks: “Remember me.” Jesus replies that being remembered by God is paradise. The power of Christ the King is seen in his memory, in holding every person in this world close; in calling each one of us by name and challenging us to live lives of sacrificial love. It is seen where simplicity is valued, where there is a right relationship with the Earth, where the poor are recognised as special points of God’s revelation to the world.
The test of those who live out the reign of Christ is not whether we are successful, or have made it to Who’s Who. Christ our king calls us to follow him in remembering all people, regardless of who they are, and being prepared to pay the price in fighting for the dignity of each person. And what is our reward for bringing Christ’s reign to bear in our world? That Christ will remember us when we come into his kingdom.

(Fr. Richard Leonard, S.J. England)

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