Monday, December 22, 2014


Malachi 3:1-4, 23-24
Psalm 25:4-5ab, 8-9, 10 and 14
Luke 1:57-66

A reflection on today's Sacred Scripture:
Life is often filled with surprises!

Some of them are welcomed as, say, if we should win the lottery. Others, are not so welcoming as, say, if we should learn of the death of one we have loved and known for many years.

In today's gospel, there are two surprises: the first is that Elizabeth should have a son, and the second is that he should be called John. The meaning of the name John is interesting too: "God has shown favor."

If we were to put these three names together--Zachariah for "God has remembered," Elizabeth for "God is oath," and John as "God has shown favor,"--we have an inner code that goes something like this: God has remembered His oath to show favor to us.

This indeed is a surprise for the people who had waited so long for God to show favor to them. We, too, have waited for the Lord to show favor to us for His return, but we do not have to wait till the end time. He will be born anew in our hearts in a few days.

Are we ready to receive Him?

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