Sunday, May 31, 2020


1 Peter 4:16:
"However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name." 

Physical pain is intended to be very helpful.  It is a way of telling us that something is wrong, and a remedy is needed.  But in many diseases, pain can play tricks on us - either failing to give the right signal or giving the wrong ones.  In this corrupted world, even moral pain can be manipulated by Satan.  Sometimes, we get into trouble for doing what is right, just as Jesus did (Luke 23:32-34) - from those who are resisting Jesus (even if they do not realise what they are doing).  The devil can then deceive a believer's sensitive conscience by suggesting that the reason for their pain is that they are in the wrong.
That is why we need to calibrate our conscience with God’s Word.  In that way we will know what pleases Him and we do not need to be ashamed; and what displeased Him, and we need to repent.  Jesus despised the shame of the cross because He was anticipating the glory of heaven (Hebrews 12:2).  But when we find that we have offended friends or family by doing and saying what is right, a sensitive conscience will often feel some sort of shame.  The pain of shame usually drives us to hide away and to try to undo what has led us there.  Satan encourages that, so that we pull back from the front line of Christian witness, and even apologise to others for upsetting them, when all we have done is to obey the Lord.
You can see how necessary Peter's instruction was at the time, as well as now, to encourage the believers to keep on actively following Jesus in public as well as private witness. The Apostle Paul tackles this head on at least 15 times including to his apprentice church leader, Timothy: "That is why I am suffering as I am. Yet I am not ashamed, because I know whom I have believed, and am convinced that he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him for that day." (2 Timothy 1:12).

The antidote to shame is the confidence of knowing that you have God's approval.  Paul instructed Timothy, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15).  That is why Christians who do not soak themselves in God’s Word become a prey for the Enemy.  When you know that your life and witness agree with what the Bible says, then you can dismiss the lying temptations of Satan. He wants you to stop following Jesus.  On the other hand, the Lord has chosen you to receive His grace and to administer His grace to others - for their blessing and His glory.  And that should happen most where you spend most of your time - at work!
Father God. Thank You for allowing me to bear the Name of Jesus, as I follow Him. Please forgive me when my conscience is dysfunctional, when I am ashamed for being right with You, or not ashamed of offending You. When others despise me because of You, please encourage me not to feel defeated - but glad that the character of Christ has been recognised in me. Teach me the things that please You, from Your Word, so that I will not feel ashamed, nor be put off my commitment to follow Jesus and to serve others in His Name. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020


But rejoice inasmuch as you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed. (1 Peter 4:13)
Some have said that the antidote to the pain of suffering (for the sake of Christ), is prayer (Psalm 3:1-8 is a great example).  And, depending on what they mean, that is helpful.  But so often we base our prayer on a desire to be released from the distress.  But as with any pain, the more you focus on it, the worse it feels.  True prayer recognises the pain but is not consumed by it.  The centre of such prayer is our Lord and Saviour; as we worship and adore Him the pain gains a godly perspective. True prayer recognises the joy ahead of us, and therefore the need to reject feelings of shamefulness which suffering brings - which was how Jesus endured His sufferings (Hebrews 12:2).
In the same way that the pain of childbirth has a joyful future-focus, so Jesus endured the cross.  Likewise many sporting people, playing hard with their team, will not even notice some injuries; nor will soldiers in combat.  The reason is that, provided they are still able to function, the goal of winning is greater than the pain of getting there.  But for the Christian, there is another motivation.  The Lord Jesus suffered, and our painful experiences are like an after-shock of the cross. Our pain cannot save us or others, but it helps us to identify with our Lord and also to know that He really can sympathise with our situation (Hebrews 4:15).
Joy is often absent.  It is different from happiness, which depends on the pleasure of what is happening.  Joy is a genuine manifestation of the life of Christ in a believer; it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22) and has a bonding function in the church, despite persecution (Acts 13:49-52).  Like Peter whose faith and joy were replaced by fear and terror when he focussed on the waves instead of his Saviour (Matthew 14:28-31), we will lose our joy if we focus on the circumstances rather than the Lord.  The promise of eternal reward is less preached now than in the past, but is even more necessary (Hebrews 11:26).   
Of course, Satan uses pain to tell the lie that it marks the end of our hope and of God’s care; pain is therefore to be feared and resisted.  Childbirth may feel like that at times, but there is also the prospect of new life and joy ahead.  It is the same way for Christians.  The anticipation of eternal joy puts today's sorrows into perspective (2 Corinthians 4:17). The well-taught believer will learn to focus on the permanent joys of God's eternal presence to come. In striving to complete the Christian life in good order, straining forwards to please the Lord (Philippians 3:13-14), the pain is dulled by praising Him today, in the anticipation of participating in His glory when He comes.
Dear Lord. Thank You for Your promise of eternal reward and of joy now to those who keep on trusting Jesus. Forgive me for my fear of pain and rejection that come because I trust in you. It is a privilege to have a little share in the suffering that Jesus experienced when He was rejected. Help me not to hate those who turn on me, but to pray for them, as Jesus did, and desire that they may also share Your glory as they turn to You in repentance and faith. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.